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Food For Thought When It Comes To Product Recalls
During 2016/17, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) – the food-supply regulator in
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Picture Potential With Your Drones
By 2030, it is suggested that there will be 76,000 drones in
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Allergen Breaches Can Have Big Repercussions
Whilst many of us may wish for 15 minutes of fame, an
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Health and Safety in the motor vehicle repair industry
The motor vehicle repair industry employs 200,000 people in the UK. Most
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What will Brexit mean for your insurance?
Britain’s withdrawal from the EU is scheduled for March 30 2019 and
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The gig economy and changing workplaces
Do evolving attitudes about how we work mean that the insurance provided
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Architectural Security – Designing out crime
If you have been considering a new home build or significant renovation
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With over 100 years combined experience, Ascend’s team are the specialists you need!
Policy Wording – Boring? Yes. But important. Of all insurances, those for
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New rules to make transport as sustainable as possible
New biofuel targets were introduced in April that aim to double renewable
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The threats and opportunities of autonomous ships
As autonomous cars feature increasingly in the headlines, it seems the world
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