Why travel insurance is more important than ever in 2021


Why travel insurance is more important than ever as we reach the end of 2021

Travel insurance has never been so important as we continue to navigate Covid-19 in our overseas holidays and trips. It will cover you for unexpected situations both while away and in the run up to your holiday, from losing your luggage to covering the costs of medical treatment abroad – even if you catch Covid-19 while away.

It’s important to remember that not all policies offer the same levels of cover or protection, especially when it comes to Coronavirus. 

Travel insurance for Coronavirus

As a result of Covid-19, we have worked with insurers to adapt policies so we can offer financial protection against things that could go wrong due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.

There are several things you should consider when buying travel insurance.

Medical expenses if you need hospital treatment

Medical costs abroad can quickly add up, so cover for medical expenses while away is an essential part of your insurance policy.

Our policies all include cover for emergency medical treatment, including if you were to contract Covid-19 on holiday. The amount of cover varies, but all policies have a minimum of £5,000,000.

This includes cover for repatriation (the cost of getting you home, for example, if a stay in hospital means you miss your scheduled flight home).

Don’t forget to declare any pre-existing medical conditions.

Cancelling your holiday due to Coronavirus

You may be nervous  about booking a holiday in case you cannot travel because you contract Coronavirus on the run up to your departure date.

That’s why you need travel insurance.

Some of our policies provide “enhanced Coronavirus cover” which means if you need to cancel your holiday because you test positive for Coronavirus, you can make a claim to recover the costs.

Remember to check the cancellation limit and compare it against the price of your holiday.

All limits are per person and we can provide cover up to £50,000.

Being denied boarding on your return trip

Testing and temperature checks are expected to be part of travelling for some time yet.

If you test positive for Coronavirus at the airport on your return journey, you may incur additional expenses for accommodation and transport.

We have an optional extra on one of our travel insurance policies that provides cover for this – call 0800 294 2969 to find out more.

Other things to consider when buying travel insurance

Covid-19 cover is only one element of travel insurance and a comprehensive policy should protect you against several other things that could go wrong.

We would advise that you have emergency medical cover of at least £5m and that it includes repatriation back to the UK.

Top tips when arranging cover:

- Check that you have at least £5m medical cover.

- Make sure you have cover for repatriation back to the UK.

- Ensure the cancellation cover is more than the value of your holiday.

- Check the amount of cover provided if you need to claim for lost baggage and belongings (depending on what you are taking with you)

- Make sure you have Personal Liability of at least £1m

- Look out for End Supplier Failure Insurance, which will provide protection if your airline or accommodation provider goes into administration (free on Gold and available as an option for Bronze and Silver)

- Check the  ‘excess’ on any policy, which is the amount that will be deducted from any claim pay-out you receive.

When should I buy travel insurance?

You should always arrange travel insurance as soon as you’ve booked a holiday.

This is because cancellation cover starts immediately for several unexpected situations, including redundancy or the death of a close family member.

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