Case study – Commercial insurance management

Case Study
Commercial insurance management
Company acquisitions
“We couldn’t contact our existing broker to make changes to our stock levels as the second-hand vehicle market grew over the pandemic.
Ascend were contacting us at regular intervals throughout the policy, not just at renewal, and consistently provided advice, making the decision to transfer our policy to them an easy one.”
Sector: Commercial insurance management
Sub Sector: Company acquisitions
The Problem:
The client had not had a review of insurances and group placement due to a combination of:
- Lazy broker
- The appetite in the market
- The manner in which they had previously approached the market
- Growth of group structure
The Solution:
Ascend prepared a detailed presentation and separate overview document of the industry sector to enable prospective insurers to consider the proposal. By adopting this approach, we were able to demonstrate we could reduce the client’s time lost to multiple insurance meetings, cost & paperwork reductions.
Saving achieved of £50,000.
By understanding the client’s needs, the sector and what was causing the insurance marketplace concerns, we were able to introduce them to our market connections and provide them with a market-leading solution.