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Tips to stay focused on long drives

Tips to stay focused on long drives


If you’re working in the logistics industry as a driver then you’re going to clock up some long hours on the road. If you’re not prepared for this, then handling such extensive journeys can be difficult and even dangerous. It’s important to make sure you know how to stay entertained and focused on long drives.


1) Don’t get exhausted. We’re all different in terms of our tolerance for tiredness and it’s key that you understand your own limits. This might mean, for example, ensuring that you take regular naps when you’re covering long distances. Sleep for 20 minutes and then do 10 minutes physical activity, such as a quick run, to wake you up so that you can get back on the road refreshed.

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2) Feed your body and mind. What you eat and drink when you’re driving can actually make a big difference to how well you stay focused. Before you leave for a long trip, eat a nutritionally balanced meal with plenty of fresh vegetables, protein and slow release carbohydrates. Take your own snacks with you and make sure that these are healthy, as well as tasty – avoid processed sugar and snacks that are just empty calories. Drink plenty of water so that you’re fully hydrated throughout your trip.


3) Stay cool. If you’re feeling tired or drowsy then opening a window or turning down the heat can help to ensure you don’t lose focus. If you’re driving in a hot country or in high temperature conditions then it's essential to make sure your air conditioning is on and working well.

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4) Get some training. Training can build confidence and give you ideas and tools to help make every drive you complete a safe one. There are lots of different options available when it comes to training, so identify any areas of vulnerability you feel you have and then choose a course that can help you find a way to approach driving with more confidence.


5) Plan your drives before you go. Driving and road awareness will always be the most important factors when you’re out on a trip. However, it’s also important to keep yourself interested and entertained when you’re driving, as this can make it easier to stay focused. If you’re not focused, you might find you switch off while you’re driving and this can be dangerous for you and for those around you on the roads. There are lots of different ways you can entertain yourself when you’re driving without getting too distracted. For example, make playlists of different types of music depending on the mood you’re in or explore some new radio stations. Podcasts can also be a great way to keep your brain stimulated when you’re driving over a long distance.

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