11 May 2021
The Ascend Forest Project – planting 10,000 trees
The Ascend Forest Project – planting 10,000 trees
Ascend are helping to restore some of the world’s most threatened forests by planting a tree for every policy and vehicle insured in 2021.
Where environmental change is concerned, everybody in the world benefits from trees, as they assimilate carbon dioxide (CO2) that in any case adds to a worldwide temperature alteration. Along with non-benefit foundation, MoreTrees. Ascend Broking is helping make it conceivable to plant new local backwoods in Madagascar, Kenya and Haiti.
Help the planet
Each tree planted ingests carbon dioxide from the air, balancing your carbon impression. It additionally delivers oxygen, channels the air, channels precipitation and increments environmental dampness.
Reduce extreme poverty
Our tree accomplice's activities give reasonable pay work to ruined towns and networks across the world. This gives individuals a pay to take care of their families and communities an income to support local trade.
Combat deforestation
The more trees planted, the more healthy forests that begin to re-emerge - reestablishing creature natural surroundings, filtering water sources, recharging soil and controlling flooding and disintegration.
Where are the Ascend Forests being planted?
We plant your trees in forests across the world.
We partnered with MoreTrees a business which are partnered with regulated non-profit NGOs (non-government organisations) across the world, who work with local communities to plant trees while reducing extreme poverty and combating deforestation.
Some of the current projects include:
Partnering with local and tribal communities to reforest one of the world’s top biodiversity conservation priorities.
Working with the Kijabe Forest Trust to plant forests that channel water, support communities and home wildlife.
Helping local farmers plant trees that protect watersheds and improve food security and supply.
It is essential for an aspiring arrangement to regrow a little segment of what used to be one of the largest single wooded places on earth.
A tree for every vehicle and policy insured with Ascend
A tree for each Ascend policy holder and vehicle on the road.
In the ‘Ascend Forest’, a tree will be planted for each renewal and new policy, plus one for every vehicle we insurer. If all goes well, the trees Ascend help to plant now could last for 500 or even 1,000 years.
Calculate your carbon footprint
See how much carbon you emit
Just travelling 10 miles to your office and back can produce 225kg of carbon.
This carbon calculator allows you to work out how much carbon you produce and how many trees to plant to offset that carbon.
You can figure out:
How much CO2 your car produces
How much CO2 your motorbike emits
How much CO2 is produced per flight
How much CO2 a taxi, train or bus journey produces.
If you have any questions, check out the FAQs at the end of the page.
Find out more about the MoreTrees initiative here
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