30 May 2024
Product Recall Insurance
Product recalls often make the news. The latest to hit the headlines is the current active recall of over 250,000 air fryers in the US and Canada.
Sold by Best Buy, the air fryers are being recalled because of fire, burn and laceration hazards. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission has said the air fryers in question are at risk of having their handles melt and break, and of generally overheating, causing the glass door to shatter and risking cut and burn injuries.
The company has received 24 reports of the glass shattering and six reports of their air fryers – Insignia Air Fryers and Insignia Air Fryer Ovens – catching on fire.
Recalls can be triggered by a product safety concern, an error in manufacturing or wrongly labelled ingredients (especially when it comes to animal products or allergens).
There have been some other memorable product recalls over the years:
Toyota Pedals and Floor Mats
Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper
Mattel Toys
Peanut butter recall
Is your business insured against the risk of a product recall?
Any business that manufactures, distributes or sells products should consider Product Recall insurance, regardless of its size or sphere. However, certain industries are more susceptible to product recalls than others, such as the pharmaceutical, automotive, food & beverage and consumer electronics industries. As product recalls can literally mean the difference between life, death or injury for a manufacturer’s consumers, businesses should always view the safety of their consumers as an utmost priority and have no qualms about making a recall decision, when necessary, despite the inevitable knock to their reputation.What is Product Recall insurance?
Most companies don’t sufficiently plan or prepare for the risk of a costly product recall, but a Product Recall insurance policy provides invaluable comprehensive cover for you and your business in the event of one. A policy will often include a pre-incident consultation to minimise the risk of a product recall being required in the first place, and post-incident contingency to deal with its after-effects and loss to a business’s reputation. Product Recall insurance is not the same as Product Liability insurance, which usually excludes recall events.What does Product Recall insurance include?
Policies vary, of course, but may include the following:
- Product recall expenses, covering the costs directly related to the recall process, such as notifying customers, transporting and disposing of recalled products and conducting investigations to determine the cause.
- Third-party liability, providing coverage for damages and legal expenses if the recalled product causes harm or damage to third parties, such as consumers, other businesses or property.
- Business interruption cover for financial losses resulting from the interruption of business operations, additional expenses needed to resume operations and loss of future sales, for a certain specified period.
- Product replacement or repair. The costs of repairing or replacing the recalled products, including manufacturing, shipping and installation expenses.
- Contamination clean-up.
- Crisis management and public relations expenses, for hiring crisis management consultants, conducting public relations campaigns and managing the company's reputation.
- Brand rehabilitation, including advertising and special promotions, to rebuild trust in a company or its products.
- A range of pre-incident consultancy solutions.
- Government fines and penalties. Some policies may provide coverage for fines or penalties imposed by regulatory agencies as a result of the recall.
- 24/7 crisis management hotline in the event of an incident.
- Other recall costs like extra temporary employees, overtime, public safety messages, special testing and handling.
Other types of cover
Depending on the nature of their operations and the risks they face, businesses may choose to purchase additional types of coverage to mitigate their exposure to potential losses:-
Contaminated Product insurance
Product Extortion insurance
Product Recall insurance is a vital risk management tool for businesses that face the possibility of product recalls. By providing financial protection, reputation management and legal compliance, Product Recall insurance helps businesses mitigate the financial and reputational risks associated with product recalls, allowing them to focus on their core operations with confidence. If your business deals with the manufacturing or distribution of products, it's worth exploring Product Recall insurance options to ensure it is safeguarded against potential liabilities.
Other blogs which may be of interest:
Health and safety in the workplace - What you need to know Sustainability in manufacturing - A comprehensive guideNeed further advice? Contact Chris Buchholz today on 07842 021430 or by email, Chris.Buchholz@ascendbroking.co.uk.

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