20 September 2017
Executive family motor fleet – don’t settle for standard insurance cover
Are you looking for that something extra? Most standard insurance policies just will not provide you with the cover and flexibility you need. Whether you’re looking to insure your family fleet of cars or just the one, we can tailor cover just for you. We are able to cover a range of cars from prestigious vehicles, performance vehicles or a family fleet of more modest and everyday vehicles. But there is more - we provide our customers with a number of unique extensions in cover that you simply cannot obtain in the standard marketplace.
Outstanding value and service are what our high-net-worth clients have come to expect from us. Here are just a few features that you may not find on your standard motor insurance cover:
Free European Breakdown Cover
European breakdown cover that gives you extra peace of mind when travelling throughout Europe.
Agreed Value
To ensure claims are dealt with swiftly and if appropriate we agree on an upfront value for the car, therefore in the event of total loss from either theft or damage, you won’t be out of pocket.
Extended Replacement Cost
If the cost of replacing your vehicle exceeds the sum insured and we will pay up to 150% of the sum insured to replace your vehicle
Extended Reinstatement Value
If the cost of replacing your vehicle exceeds the sum insured an additional maximum 25% will be paid to reinstate your vehicle to the same condition
Diminution in Value
If the market value before loss exceeds the market value after loss(high value classics for example) you are covered for the difference up to £250,000 or 20% of the sum insured
Courtesy Car
In the event of a claim a courtesy car will be provided that is a similar specification to your own, until the claim has been settled or whilst the car is being repaired.
No Claims Bonus
If you have been involved in an accident and the damage caused was not your fault then your No Claims Bonus will remain intact, for example – your car is parked and another vehicle hits you.
Any Car Cover
You will be automatically covered to drive any other vehicle up to the value of £200,000, without the need to inform us.
Au Pair/Employees Cover
Automatically covered to drive any vehicle
Contact Us
A family fleet policy for Mid-High Net Worth clients
Ascend Executive motor is a comprehensive family fleet policy for 2-10 vehicles kept at the same address and can cover drivers between the ages of 17-80. We will assess each risk individually and provide competitive terms for our customers but will also provide you with a number of unique features that you presently will not enjoy. Claims are handled promptly by a dedicated team who understand the service requirements of these clients.
We understand that high net worth customers require insurance cover that offers that little bit more than a standard Motor Insurance policy can provide. Whether it’s a prestige vehicle that’s value simply exceeds the cover offered by a conventional policy, or a classic car or heavily customized vehicle that needs specialist cover to account for rare parts or a lack of modern safety features, we could help you.
At Ascend Executive, we are able to arrange insurance cover for a wide range of high worth or unusual vehicles with a policy that takes your car and driving habits into account, including cover for garaged vehicles, track days and more.
Please contact us today to find out more about Ascend Executive Motor and our other exclusive products, one of our consultants will be happy to provide you with the advice that you need.
01245 449061
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