Case Study

Last minute underinsured groundworker on cover

A family-run, growing, ground working & civil engineering business working across Greater London and England.

“We placed our fleet insurance with Ascend in December, however, due to a busy winter period, only sat down to review our combined liabilities and contract works in January, 3 days out from our renewal. Due to rapid growth over the last 4 years, we found ourselves with inadequate cover. Ascend took the time to understand our requirements, write up presentations and provide us with the cover we needed within 3 days. We are very happy!”

Key Business Achievements

The Problem

The client had faced sustained rapid growth from their
incorporation 5 years ago, but because they had used an online
insurance product built for SMEs, they had simply renewed the
policy each year, not realising or understanding what could
happen if a claim should arise.

In January, upon allowing Ascend to review their current
policy, it was quickly discovered that:

▶ The company was underinsured
▶ The online product was insufficient for their needs
▶ There was a need for continuous cover with current contracts
▶ There was little time to turnaround before renewal

The Solution

The client provided documents to their Account Executive at
Ascend, where they were studied immediately.

The process was as follows:

▶ An honest open review provided within an hour of receiving the policy documents
▶ A fact find carried out
▶ Presentation written up
▶ Market approached and contract certain quotes received
▶ Placed on cover within 3 days

Throughout the whole process, the client was kept updated in
an honest and open conversation so they could understand:

▶ The issues with the current policy
▶ The likely increase in costs due to the increase in cover

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