
Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer practice for international hauliers

Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer practice for international hauliers


The Department for Transport has published guidance for hauliers making international journeys. The guide, last updated on the 28th March 2021, covers everything a haulier needs to know when it comes to safety, including rules on COVID-19 testing for hauliers and other topics such as:

- Driver and crew in-cab isolation

- Sleeping and breaks

- What to do if you develop COVID symptoms

- Entering and exiting the vehicle

- Loading and unloading

- Limiting the length of stay

- Additional drivers

- Children and other passengers

- COVID-19 restrictions around the UK

- Employers


You can access the guide by CLICKING HERE


Read more of our blogs here:

COVID-19: Guidance on how to manage unhappy employees

COVID-19: How to reduce the risk of employers’ liability claims


Have any questions? please don't hesitate to contact one of our team

Simon.horton@ascendbrokingold.co.uk  |  Office: 01245 449068  |  Mobile: 07841 020435

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